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May 3, 2019

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마오 쩌둥 (Mao Zedong)을 만

May 3, 2019

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람들을 완전히 이해합니다.그리고 그는 내 과거를 강요

May 3, 2019

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렵다고 생각합니다.모두가 fab 일요일을 가지고 있기를

May 3, 2019

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마도 의미가 있습니다.지난 두 해 동안

March 23, 2019

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Ayudaron a derrotar los regmenes fascistas en Italia

October 29, 2016

No. 1 York County National will face Warwick American, and No. 2 Poquoson will meet York American. Ayudaron a derrotar los regmenes fascistas en Italia, Alemania y Japn. Al final de esta guerra de magnitud sin precedentes, los Estados Unidos, que evitaron el enfrentamiento en suelo propio, se convirtieron en la potencia econmica dominante del mundo, responsable de casi la mitad de la produccin del mundo. Se mantuvo como la principal potencia opositora a la Unin Sovitica, un ex aliado que intentaba recuperarse de la devastacin y asegurar su seguridad imponiendo su voluntad con apoyo militar, dando orgen a lo que se conoci como la guerra fra.Tambin al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los afroamericanos, que durante mucho tiempo haban sufrido injusticias, demandaron igualdad de derechos con extensas manifestaciones.

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By engaging in respectful and forceful advocacy

October 29, 2016

Karenga created Kwanzaa as a way for African Americans to reconnect with ancestral roots by introducing and celebrating African culture. The intent was for the holiday to expand and be celebrated by people with African ancestry all over the world. The seven candles, one black, three red and three green, represent the people, the struggle and the future, as well as the seven principles.

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For her career, she is hitting

October 28, 2016

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We feel like everything is our fault a belief that

October 27, 2016

So we pushed back and had hundreds of change of shift actions in front of the hospitals. And as soon as we started to shame them, a lot of them developed a mechanism to take community acquired PPE. They never would have done that if we hadn’t protested, if people wouldn’t have looked at them like, You’re sending these nurses to battle with no armor, no tools.

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The ACT has no jurisdiction to take unilateral

October 26, 2016

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